Mastering Python Syntax: Your Essential Guide to Pythonic Perfection-w9school

Unlock the secrets of Python syntax in our comprehensive guide. From basics to mastery, discover the path to Pythonic perfection. Start coding today!

Mastering Python Syntax: Your Essential Guide to Pythonic Perfection-w9school

What is Syntax?

The syntax of a programming language comprises regulations and principles that govern the arrangement of words, phrases, and punctuation.

Python Syntax

It is possible to run Python syntax straight from the command line.

>>> print("Hello, World!")

Hello, World!

You can generate a Python file on the server with the ".py" file extension, and then execute it through the command line.

C:\Users\Your Name>python

Python Identation

Spaces at the start of a code line are known as indentations. Unlike other programming languages that use indentation for readability, Python considers it an essential aspect.

In Python, indentation is used to indicate a code section


if 5 > 2:
  print("Five is greater than two!")

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Skipping indentation in Python will result in an error being generated.


Syntax Error:

if 5 > 2:
print("Five is greater than two!")
When it comes to programming, the decision on how many spaces to use is entirely up to you. However, it's worth noting that the most prevalent amount is four, and it's imperative to use at least one space.


if 5 > 2:
 print("Five is greater than two!"
if 5 > 2:
        print("Five is greater than two!"
Ensuring that the spacing is consistent within each code block in Python is crucial. Any deviation from this standard may lead to the occurrence of errors.


Syntax Error:

if 5 > 2:
 print("Five is greater than two!")
        print("Five is greater than two!")

Python Variables

To create a variable in Python, all you have to do is assign a value to it.


Variables in Python:

x = 5
y = "Hello, World!"

It is worth noting that when working with Python programming language, there is no designated command for declaring variables.

You will learn more about variables in the Python Variables chapter.

Assigning a value is all it takes to create a variable in Python.


  • While coding in Python, it is essential to use comments to document your work.
  • Keep in mind that comments must always begin with a # symbol.
  • Any text that follows this symbol will be discarded by Python when the code is run.
  • It is crucial to remember this to ensure that the code is executed correctly and without any errors.


Comments in Python:

#This is a comment.
print("Hello, World!")

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  • Using comments is a great way to enhance the clarity of Python code.
  • Comments can significantly enhance code readability and play a vital role in preventing code execution during testing.

Creating a Comment

When writing code in Python, it's important to keep in mind that comments beginning with a # will not be taken into consideration.


#This is a comment
print("Hello, World!")

Now try it yourself.>>

When you add a comment to the end of a line in Python, any text that follows the "#" symbol will not be considered by the program.

This can be a useful tool for programmers to add notes or explanations to their code without affecting its functionality.


print("Hello, World!"#This is a comment

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Comments in Python don't always have to be an explanation of the code. They can also serve as a way to prevent code from being executed.


#print("Hello, World!")
print("Cheers, Man!")

Now try it yourself.>>

Multiline Comments

It is crucial to understand that Python does not have a designated syntax for multiline comments.

Nevertheless, you can accomplish this by utilizing a "#" for each line.


#This is a comment
#written in
#more than just one line
print("Hello, World!")

To incorporate a multi-line string in your Python code, utilize triple quotes.

But remember, if you don't assign the string literal to a variable, it will be disregarded by the interpreter. To include a comment in the multi-line string, just write it within the quotes.


This is a comment
written in
more than just one line
print("Hello, World!")
In Python, if you fail to assign a multiline comment to a variable, the code will be read but ultimately ignored.


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